For 2024, the Ahmed Iqbal Ullah RACE Centre commemorates Stephen Lawrence Day by sharing our collections to understand race and colonialism within the...
Book Review: ‘The Colour of Madness: Mental Health and Race in Technicolour’
This guest post comes from Qianxia Chen, an MA student at the Institute of Cultural Practices at the University of Manchester. Qianxia recently comple...
South Asian Heritage Month: Sri Lankan Reading List
Within our year-long programme around South Asian Heritage Month and its theme of Stories to Tell, we will be focusing on the theme of Making Sri Lank...
Changes to our Library: the Gender, Relationships and the Family section
How we reviewed our Gender, Relationships and Family section of the library and the changes we've made....
Refugees and Asylum Seekers: Books and Resources
The books and resources included in this list focus on refugees, asylum seekers, migration and related issues and are available in the Ahmed Iqbal Ull...
Windrush 75: Caribbean Migration to the UK – Books and Resources
The books and resources included in this list focus on Caribbean migration to the UK, symbolised by the arrival of HMT Empire Windrush to Tilbury Dock...
Earth Day 2023: 15 Books on Refugeeism and the Climate Crisis
Our theme for Earth Day this year, at the AIU RACE Centre, is “Environmental Devastation and its impact on Refugeeism”. When environmental devasta...
Book review – Homegoing
‘Homegoing’ is the debut novel of Yaa Gyasi, a Ghanian-American author....The novel showcases the complex experiences of seven generations, coveri...
Book review – She Wrote Her Own Eulogy
In ‘She Wrote Her Own Eulogy’, May reflects on the stories gathered from her mother, family, and peers with the perspective of people who migrated...
Review – Erotic Islands
"Caribbean sexualities are built on a complex interweaving of historical, cultural, and political events, as well as everyday experiences of pleasure,...