A Plate for the Honoured Guest

Illustration of three men talking by a water fountain

Join us on Saturday 7th March, 1:30-4pm for a fun-filled crafting session about welcoming, belonging and sharing.

A man in a fancy outfit being offered food at a party

The event is part of the Festival of Belonging, organised by Manchester Jewish Museum, taking place 7th -14th March. The feeling of belonging, and making others feel that they belong, is something that people from all cultures experience and understand.


A Plate for the Honoured Guest will be a fun, craft session in which you can fill a plate with things that makes you feel you belong. Familiar food often makes us feel at home, but we welcome absolutely anything onto these plates!

The event is inspired by The Honoured Guest, a book produced by children from Manley Park Primary School, Manchester, in 2012 and published by the Ahmed Iqbal Ullah Education Trust. The book is based on a Bengali folk tale, describing the unusual strategy of a humble poet who sets out to challenge the superficial values of his wealthy neighbours when they make it clear he doesn’t belong at their party. You can read the story at the event!

Front cover of the book The Honoured Guest

Drop in sessions aimed at young children and families, but everyone is welcome. Find us on the long tables on the Lower Ground Floor, Central Library (by the glass lifts!)